Yesterday, I found
myself thinking about women who inspire me and why. The women I was thinking about were women that I know, rather than public figures or
celebrities or even religious leaders because I believe that unless we know a
person personally, the image we have of them is probably not who they really
are. Everyone has many elements to their personality--everyone has qualities to
admire as well as faults. But there are a few people in my life that I really
admire and in some ways that I wish I could be more like. As I've gotten older,
I've come to realize that I am who I am, and that there are things about myself
that I can't really change as much as I might want to. I also realize that some
of the things that drive me crazy in other people are possibly things that I
see in myself that I don't like.
Anyway, I
want to list at least some of the women that I admire for qualities that I may
never have but on the flipside, I will also list something I see in them that I
consider a fault. (And those faults may very well be my own as well. Or maybe they are qualities I wish I had?)
sister, E -- She has a playfulness and joy about her that has
defied her circumstances almost her entire life. Anyone who spends any amount
of time with her comes away feeling that she is their friend. And she is.
BUT - She
is self-deprecating to a fault.
How these
2 qualities can exist so strongly within one person is an enigma.
My Aunt D-- She lives across the country from me but I spent enough time with
her over the years that I feel like I know her well enough to put her on this
list. Aunt D is another person who radiates joy. She has a great sense of
humor and is beautiful because her joy shows in the lines of her face. I have
often said that I want the wrinkles I develop as I get older to be more laugh
lines than worry lines. For that, I emulate my Aunt D.
BUT - She
has some prejudices that I find hurtful.
My friend
from work -- T.C. I think all the women I admire have this quality of
charisma and joy that eludes me in my own personality. T is also that kind of person. She cares.
Her heart goes out to anyone she knows who might be in trouble and she always
thinks of just the right thing to do to help them out. It might be in a
seemingly small way, but it is always meaningful. She also has a ton of energy
and when she sets her mind to get something done, her determination is
BUT - She
has very strong opinions about certain things and I fear that she will lose
respect for me if I voice disagreement. And sometimes I think she's generous to
a fault.
My friend
of 20 years, C.H.-- Another woman who has a deep joy within her,
although it has seemed to be tempered a bit over the years by worry and adverse
circumstance. C has a heart of service. She
is always seeking to live her faith and put others needs ahead of her own. She
is one of the kindest people I know and, like my sister, has countless friends
because she makes those around her feel loved. She is also fun to be around.
BUT - She
works so hard that I think she's wearing herself down. Her work ethic
intimidates me. I could not do what she does, and, frankly, I wouldn't want to.
cousin- W.M. I guess I'm violating my own rules by putting her on my list because unfortunately, I haven't spent much time with my cousin
W. I've only actually gotten to see her in person twice. One time was over
30 years ago when, as a teenager I visited my relatives across the country.
W was then a new mom of twins but I remember hitting it off with her (for
one thing because one of her twins had the same name as me and though she
didn't know it one of my dreams was to have lots of kids--including boy/girl
twins) because we both enjoyed writing. We wrote letters to each other a few
times but, of course, she was busy with her family so the correspondence
gradually stopped. But then I met her a second time at a family reunion a few
years ago and we became facebook friends. I so admire the relationship that
W has with her family. After all these years, she and her husband still
adore each other and the things that she and her kids write back and forth to
each other are great fun and full of love. Also, a big thing I admire is
W's commitment to an organization she and her friend started called "A
Lasting World." She also participates in a camp in Appalachia
for underprivileged kids there. Basically, she's living the life I dreamed of.
Now, because I'm so far away, I know there are things I don't know about and I
realize that I'm making my judgments based on facebook posts and my own
imagination, but I still admire her.
Well, see, that's what I mean. I don't know her well enough to know her faults.
. .
For now,
I'm going to stop with these 5.